I just published the fourth and final installment in the series about the detective in Arkham that oversees the Mythos Division. The title is "The Dunwich Dungeon, " and I am the happiest man on the planet. That damn detective is no longer breathing down my neck, and he has stopped stalking me. He is finally happy with the last publication, praise Cthulhu! The Arkham Detective hounded me, day and night, waving his 1911 Colt .45 automatic in my face until I chronicled his case files. He is now satisfied that I have completed his life story.
The Great Depression is still ravaging the USA in our story. A seven-foot tall man in black has caused the Arkham Detective's good friend to go missing. A woman is brutally murdered in a museum, and mysterious artifacts lead us on a trail to inter-dimensional horrors. This time our Detective is armed to the teeth and determined to avenge murder with mayhem.
Help me celebrate my freedom. Read up on the Arkham Detective’s latest Cthulhu Mythos adventure THE DUNWICH DUNGEON @ Amazon.com
Or, if you dare, read all four of the Detective’s adventures in the newly published THE ARKHAM DETECTIVE COLLECTION.